Available only in your local council trading post or scout shop with required paperwork. Boy scouts of america national shooting sports manual 9 introduction to shooting sports and the positive aspects throughout the boy scouts of america from cub scouting to venturing and sea scouting, all program divisions use responsible outdoor activities to promote character development and valuesbased leadership training. Enjoy our exciting offerings, and make sure to check under the resources tab to view other upcoming workshops and badge offerings. Rifle instructor certification is a requirement for becoming a boy scouts of america rifle merit badge counselor. This workbook can help you organize your thoughts as you prepare to meet with your merit badge counselor. My dad tells stories about teaching a bsa marksmanship course back in 1970. Rifle merit badge scorecard texas license to carrychl. Check out the eagle merit badge section, link on the menu to the left, to see what badges you need to obatin eagle rank, the highest rank available to a scout. No one may add or subtract from the official requirements found in boy scout.
Per national regulations, the only person who may sign off on requirements is a merit badge counselor, duly registered and authorized by the local council. Describe how you would react if a friend visiting your home asked to see your or your familys firearms. Shotgun shooting merit badge requirements scoutbook. Decoding the art of merit badges bryan on scouting. Requirements were revised effective january 1, 2002. Merit badge book library princeton, texas troop 229. Reference shotgun shooting merit badge pamphlet pages 5159, clay target sports. Introduction the certified nra shotgun instructor who is serving as the merit badge counselor will need the following reference materials.
In this rifle shooting worksheet, students use their workbook to answer short answer questions about rifle shooting and safety. Rifle shooting merit badge pamphlet, rifle shooting merit badge. Rifle shooting pamphlet boy scouts of america javascript seems to be disabled in your browser. I noticed chicago fighting the gun laws, so everything is changing in your state. Teach bsa rifle shooting merit badge pamphlet page 4 requirements 1a and b. Rifle shooting merit badge for boy scouts bsa needed. Nra rifle instructor and bsa rifle merit badge counselor. The purpose of this manual is to integrate the bsa shotgun shooting merit badge pamphlet with the nra first firearm introduction, responsibility and. Show that for one term or semester you have improved your school grades over the previous period. Discuss what points you would consider in selecting an air rifle. Reading this page does not satisfy any requirement for any merit badge. Boy scouts of america bsa has been an important organization for millions of young men providing skills and leadership training that makes a positive difference and lasts a lifetime.
With your counselors and your parents approval, interview two. To obtain a list of registered merit badge counselors, or to begin a merit badge, please contact your scoutmaster or council service center. Describe how you would react if a friend visiting your. Rifle parts a rifle is a precision instrument, designed for precise work. Jun 25, 2016 the best how to butcher a deer video ever, by the bearded butchers at whitefeather meats. Ive volunteered to help teach the rifle shooting merit badge to the six boy scouts in the unit. Heres a hint the award helps a young person become an eagle scout.
Scouts who earn their rifle shooting merit badge learn about safe gun handling, the parts of a gun, local hunting laws, and more. Scouting on target the marksmanship merit badge daily. Where can read bsa merit badge book online for free. Refer scouts to rifle shooting merit badge pamphlet page 17, fundamental rules for safe gun handling, and use nra first steps rule 3. Hammer down range with our local bsa would like to offer and provide and support, equipment, and facilities used in training the boys for their rifle shooting merit badge. Use this workbook as a guide as you organize your thoughts and prepare to meet with your merit badge counselor. Using a bb gun or pellet air rifle and shooting from a bench rest or supported prone position at 15 feet for bb guns or 33 feet for air rifles, fire five groups three shots. The merit badges shotgun and rifle are basically abridged nra courses. Nov 03, 2017 council service center 985 west fillmore st colorado springs, co 80907. Rifle shooting merit badge and worksheet boy scout trail. Be certified by the national rifle association as an instructor for the merit badge discipline or be currently certified as a national camping school shooting sports director with the nra rifle and shotgun instructor certification. These worksheets include the necessary tasks and questions that are required for earning the rifle shooting merit badge. Merit badge workbook this workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet book.
November 26, 2014 bryan wendell merit badges, scouts bsa 125. Give your counselor a list of sources that you could contact for information on firearms and their use. The link above will allow you to download and save or print in the format you prefer pdf or doc. But dk eyewitness books proves that doesnt have to be the case by showing readers in pictures what other. Jan 01, 2017 shooting sports merit badge counselor requirements and registration section 7. Explain why bb and pellet air guns must always be treated with the same respect as firearms.
C explain the need for, and use and types of, eye and hearing protection. Rifle shooting boy scouts of america merit badge series. Rifle shooting boy scouts of america merit badge series on. Shooting safety glasses and hearing protection are required. A rifle, like any other precision instrument, is manufactured to perform a specific task and can do so at no risk to the user or others.
Below are backup copies of the troops physical merit badge books, and are for online viewing only please do not download. Last year 43,196 young americans earned a very special marksmanship distinction. Students complete 10 questions total to get their merit badge. If a new edition of a merit badge pamphlet is introduced with updated requirements after the scouts bsa requirements book has been released, a scout who is starting the badge may choose to follow either set of requirements until the end of the year. Shooting merit badge pamphlets camp health and safety, no. Shooting sports merit badge counselor requirements and registration section 7. At the start of the new year, scouts who are beginning must use only the new requirements. The merit badge program provides opportunities for youth to explore more than 120 fields of skill and knowledge. Visit one, and report on how you used the place for selfeducation. Im pretty sure that the nra wrote the course for the bsa. Jul 24, 2009 as for your 2 question you should have learned that in the class that you took for the shooting part of the badge. The scout needs to come to the class with a current rifle shooting merit badge pamphlet book, a signed merit badge card, a signed permission slip and ready for some outdoor shooting.
Note to the counselor boy scout standards boy scouts are permitted to fire. Basketry merit badge workbook this workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet. Merit badge workbook this workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet. It is designed to shoot a projectile a bullet, bb, pellet, ball, etc. You still must satisfy your counselor that you can. Merit badges are awarded to scouts who complete the requirements for each badge.
This 12 page printable pdf workbook will help boy scouts as they work on earning the rifle shooting merit badge. Jan 01, 2014 be proficient in the merit badge subject by vocation, avocation, or special training. The best how to butcher a deer video ever, by the bearded butchers at whitefeather meats. Muzzleloading rifles must be recently manufactured, percussionlock only. The work space by each requirement is for the scout to make notes for discussing the item with the counselor, not for the full and complete answers. Nra rifle instructor training and boy scouts of america rifle merit badge counselor qualification in sc. Rifles made from kits must be checked by a qualified gunsmith.
You still must satisfy your counselor that you can demonstrate each skill and have learned the information. Rifle shooting merit badge requirements and worksheets. Space exploration this workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet. Everyone is required to come to the workshop with a blue card for the badge that they are taking, signed by their unit leader. These requirements are not found in the first steps rifle lesson plan. Reference shotgun shooting merit badge pamphlet pages 9495, shotgun shooting resources. When one of the boys didnt practice correct muzzle control he took the rifle away, handed him a shovel and told him you want to play grabass, you deal with the consequences, now dig a grave. See all 3 formats and editions hide other formats and editions. Rifle shooting merit badge workbook this workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet. There are 141 merit badges available, too many to list here.
The requirements to this merit badge are ed by the boy scouts of america. Some merit badge icons havent changed in decades, and the individuals who created these. Boy scouts colorado springs, merit badge, snorkel, scuba. Council service center 985 west fillmore st colorado springs, co 80907 event resources. This table shows the remaining patrol slots available for each day. Underwater connection offers boy scouts of america scuba and snorkel merit badges in colorado springs. Chemistry merit badge series by boy scouts of america. Public merit badges boy scout troop 411 clovis, new mexico. Thats right, last year 43,196 boy scouts earned the marksmanship merit badge for rifle shooting. Come spend some time at the council service center working on a merit badge of your choice.
Rifle shooting merit badge boy scouts of america on. Say the words reference book and most people think of something boring. A scout who has earned a merit badge from a registered and approved counselor by actually and personally fulfilling the requirements as written will have met the purpose of the merit badge program and the contribution to the aims of scouting. Rifle shooting merit badge requirements 2019 changes. Look it over and then discuss your questions with your counselor. Emergency preparedness merit badge requirements scoutbook. Rifle shooting merit badge emblem boy scouts of america. Nra first steps rifle orientation instructors lesson plans. Rifle shooting merit badge boy scouts of america pamphlet. Rifle shooting merit badge boy scouts of america pamphlet january 1, 2012 5.
Scoutingbsabasketry merit badge wikibooks, open books for. Rifle shooting 3 muzzleloaders the following standards for muzzleloading long guns are to be used by members of the bsa. Apr 05, 2016 scouting on target the marksmanship merit badge. This workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet. Requirements for the rifle shooting merit badge with worksheets.
A explain why bb and pellet air guns must always be treated with the same respect as firearms. They are reproduced in part here under fair use as a resource for scouts and scouters to use in the earning and teaching of merit badges. He was a 21 year old marine just back from a tour in vietnam. Teach bsa rifle shooting merit badge pamphlet page 4, requirements 1a and b 5 minutes. Space exploration byu merit badge powwow official merit badge. Make a list of educational places located where you live other than schools. If in doubt about the accuracy of a requirement, consult your merit badge counselor. Boy scouts of america merit badge series rifle shooting enhancing our youths competitive edge through merit badges 3. Before you ready, aim, fire, learn about rifle shooting the safe way through this merit badge. But dk eyewitness books proves that doesnt have to be the case by showing readers in pictures what other books only tell them in words. Unless a rifle is handled incorrectly or recklessly, it is not dangerous.
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